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发布于:2022-05-04 作者:admin 阅读:268

2113什么物品适合家里的风水? ——无论摆、挂、兑什么样的物品,下面的内容都告诉人们,如果你有一个清晰的认识,你已经看透了,想要了解它,放、挂就可以了,并尊重任何东西,否则它将像一个废物收集站。物品堆叠库。卧牛放在风水里有什么作用? ——答案是:一切陈设、假山造型、字画、标本、雕塑、桌饰、摆设、养鱼、养龟、种花、植树、供奉神像、佛像,都视为卧牛,风水效应是有道理的。相同的。在风水里放一头躺着的牛有用吗?答案是不。把躺牛放在风水里真的没用吗?答案是:不一定。那么放在风水里的卧牛有什么作用呢?我的回答如下:放置躺牛的作用是欣赏和欣赏,不是为了欣赏而欣赏,而是为了知识而理解,是为了得到人生的真谛和对人生的感悟。生活中的欣赏和欣赏。 . 一、欣赏欣赏的过程,就是一个人品格的培养和锻炼的过程。欣赏和欣赏的意义在于能够培养一个人的恒久、恒常、稳重、通透、象征性,抑制一个人急躁、焦虑、狂妄、麻痹、懒惰的心性,这才是一个人的真谛。人的行为、生活、行为,也是欣赏和欣赏的真知。 二、欣赏和欣赏,不在于物品的效果,而在于内心有一个了解。通过欣赏和欣赏,可以将生活的真相聚集在您的心中。否则,无论您欣赏和欣赏的物品多么好,您心爱的人的效果都会很棒。 ,心里没有感觉,也失去了欣赏和欣赏的真谛。


是否可以根据风水在床的背景上画一幅山水画? - 这取决于每个人的喜好。风水只能从这样做的原因入手,评价人的“心进退”,不能先入为主取代别人的“心进退”。也就是说,风水只能从一个人为什么画,或者不画,或者为什么画这种画而不画那种画,来研究一个人的心态,进而推导出一个人的得失。雄性是蛇,雌性是兔子。如图所示,房子朝南,沙发在阳台上,沙发墙在西边。沙发墙上可以挂树画吗,什么颜色的? ——答案是:画面图案,首先是艺术效果;二是升值效应;三是寓意、想象、示范效应;四是阻隔效应。挂在哪里,挂在哪里,审美角度是主要考虑,良好的心态最重要。五皇子的钱从门到门怎么挂? ——答案是:用艺术的眼光去思考和考虑如何挂,不会错。美观耐用是有道理的。风水其实就是一个人的“心向”,门对面,挂着五皇子的钱。核心问题是转移人们的思维注意力,调整人们的心态。从这个方向思考,艺术可以吸引人们的注意力。不可替代的作用。风水,蟹足兰适合在家栽培吗? ——答案是:只要不有毒、无害、不危险,锋利多刺的植物都适合在家种植。但是,在家里种植太大的植物是不现实的。此外,风水对于在家种植植物也没有更多的特殊禁忌。想请教懂风水的人,门在正东,九鱼莲花图,挂在哪里最好! ——懂风水的人暂时不在,不懂风水的人会告诉你:九鱼莲图摆在家里,供观赏欣赏,调节心态。

最好挂在便于观赏和欣赏的墙上,又能体现九鱼莲花图的气氛。把动漫工艺的刀剑放在家里不会有什么影响吗? ——书画、物件、风水的作用归根结底是心理感应。刀枪刀戟,放在家里,对孩子的心理诱导不会太成功,有时负面影响会大于正面影响。花几块钱买新房埋在地里,改善风水,买什么东西好? ——古人把物品埋在院子下面,更多的意思是留下文化和历史物品来纪念。如果家里有现成的硬币,可以放几枚硬币。如果您没有硬币,则无需购买。放几个漂亮的大酒瓶,或者大瓷碗,三百年后,你的后人会拿出来的,说不定就是无价之宝。这就是前人放物品时风水的真谛。我希望我们的子孙后代兴旺发达,希望我们的子孙后代能够见证我们前人的思想。 “金龙送宝”牌匾可以挂在正厅吗? - 是的。牌匾的作用是:1、吉祥、喜庆、美丽、吉祥。 2、牌匾的价值是由发牌人的身份决定的,有安神之效。皇上送来的匾额,是为了世代相传,朝气蓬勃。有地位的人送来的牌匾,供贵人在场,屋子安然无恙。挂个图,图为马成功,马头是朝门还是朝里? ——答案是:不管马头是朝门还是朝里。关健需要了解马成功所代表的意境,否则马头不会朝里朝外!只要懂得马成功所代表的意境,自然会懂得挂。从风水的角度来看,牛年出生的人可以在新居放牛吗? - 可以放。

牛代表了人类许多积极吉祥的精神内涵,具有极好的象征意义。门对着窗户的飘窗上放聚宝盆可以吗? ——答案是:在飘窗上放一个聚宝盆是最重要的问题。国内因坠物引发事故的消息并非孤例,由此引发的官司也将层出不穷多年。在飘窗上放一个聚宝盆,风水的意思,除了本文的意思外,不可能再增加枝叶的其他意思了。驱邪、辟邪、招财,都是虚幻的,愿梦想成真,随心所欲。核心本质仍然是安全问题。在这一点上综合考虑,不会给印象带来实质性的麻烦和麻烦。这是一个真正的风水。真正的麻烦是什么?答案是:在飘窗上放一个聚宝盆,真的是聚宝盆掉在飘窗上造成的麻烦。印象中的问题是什么?假设有人故意从高空投掷物品寻衅滋事,如果无法确定肇事者,也无法找到肇事者,将按照民法规则确定在窗台上展示物品的人将提前赔付,才有可能查明真相,找到肇事者。在有偿付能力的情况下,肇事者就会得到赔偿,这就是在凸窗上放一个聚宝盆的麻烦!风水问题,我的流沙位在西位,流沙位是客厅,所以客厅也是西位,可以放两个葫芦吗? ——答案是:你的问题有两层意思:一、六恶位的理解可以参考本文其他地方出现的内容。

二、关于葫芦的意义。自然采摘的葫芦,有的可以继续养,有的不能养,所以一定要能分辨。能继续保养的葫芦有的需要40到50年的时间,有的需要80多年的玩耍和保养。葫芦由黄变红,再由红变紫后,紫色是葫芦,具有风水意义。 ,很有意义,不是任何一个葫芦放在那里都会有风水的效果,《西游记》中太上老君的紫金葫芦不是风的神话布置,而是真实的紫葫芦还原。从40岁到80岁,是一生漫长的过程。养葫芦的过程,就是思想启迪和思考的过程。它告诉人们做人做事的真相。做任何事都要持之以恒、有耐心,切不可操之过急。 ,要能够坚持,坚持,永不放弃,通过对葫芦的玩耍和欣赏,培养一个人的四心,即:耐心、毅力、信心、决心,这可能是葫芦的风水意义,是通过对葫芦心的呵护来培养一个人,改变一个人的心性潜能,从而改变人生的命运。有关风水意义上葫芦的其他含义,请参阅本文的其他方面。汉白玉鱼缸和景德镇陶瓷鱼缸哪个风水好? - 答案是:一切都好。都属于艺术观赏和玩耍的性质。这类物品使用的关键是大家的喜爱和欣赏。风水学中对此类物品的定义大多是从“意义和象征”方面入手的。比如不变的、自然的、永恒的、纯白的、永恒的、永恒的、珍贵的等等,开始评论象征意义。

如汉白玉,以洁白、自然、坚固作为其象征意义标准,陶瓷,埋藏于地下数千年,是原色,具有恒久不变的风格。好的瓷器,一旦成型,就要从外面染色。 ,几个呼吸是不可能的,象征着内在品质的恒定。又如好的玉器,其韧性极好,普通物件无法在其上留下印记。这就是这类艺术玩物的真正含义。其他风水含义请参考本文其他方面的讨论。在家里,我想在电视墙上挂一块手表。如果我把它挂在那里,它会在入口门的斜对面。这个可以吗?哪位大神知道风水,谢谢? ——答案是:时钟真正的、实用的、实用的功能是正确、准确地把握时间。时钟的风水功能取其含义:昼夜,循环不断的循环,代表着新鲜生命存在的意义。当家人都离开房间,或者在夜深人静的时候,你能想到的只有时钟秒针的节奏,你能听到的就是时钟有节奏的滴答声,你会想起生活节奏的运动。当您看到时钟的细针不断转动、移动的和谐、悠闲的形象时,您会注意到它代表了一种静止的活动。这就是时钟风水的意义。因此,时钟的悬挂或放置位置应便于观看,从外面进入屋内后立即可以看到最佳位置。尤其是从室外进入屋内,一眼就能看到时钟的红色秒针有规律的运转和走动,顿时让你觉得整个屋子都充满了活力和精神。

风水屋的屋顶上长了很多野花? ——答案是:风景好,风水好,环境恶劣,一定是没有植被,好风水,一定是郁郁葱葱。透过野花,可以看到自然生命力的坚韧。屋顶上不适合植物生长的地方,其实是种花的。大自然的生命无穷无尽,精彩纷呈。这是惊人的。进一步的观察和思考是,屋顶上支持野花存在的基础是什么,或者说是什么条件支持它长出野花。如果你看透了,你就会真正明白什么是真正的风水。通过野花,您可以体验风水知识,体验自然规律,观察生活特点。这是一个真实而罕见的风水教程。进一步的体验和思维发展,通过看穿野花,可以出书。最好挂几块水平牌匾。多少块水平牌匾适合挂在客厅?风水有哪些禁忌? - 答案是:少而多。 “少而精,多而杂”是古人的原则和作风。财神爷可以放在酒柜里吗? - 答案是:可以放置。真正的财神爷一直在你的脑海里,假的财神爷存在于画像和艺术雕刻中。只有当真财神与假财神魔幻互动时,我们才会处处富贵财源滚滚。风水卧室挂粉色和粉色窗帘重要吗? ——答案是:这副窗帘是挑剔、优雅、大气的人选的,素颜可以透露出美的美。家里选择什么样的家具,装修用什么,完全取决于每个人的心理爱好。只有把爱好、兴趣、选择完美地统一起来,风水效果才会最好。

从本文的其余部分,您肯定会读到所需的声音。门的右边挂着什么样的画招财——快乐、心爱的画招财。我的房间有六层,但我住在二楼。二楼可以放神佛吗? - 答案是:也就是有六层楼。想必房子是松散的,并不紧张。最好安排一楼供奉神佛,同时兼顾其他事项。理由很合理。也就是信佛的话,六楼没有神佛的空间。如果有诚意,就没有诚意。为什么要放置神佛像?佛教讲的是虔诚、信仰和真诚。神佛是星辰大地的神灵,供奉的地方主要是高层,是天道时代。可以选择楼上一楼作为神佛楼。入口处放一小盆水,有促进财运的作用。是在入口外面还是里面? ——有捉妖能力的僧人道士都有这个神奇的动作。如果有人家里有邪灵,热心的僧人道士会在他们家门口放一盆水,这意味着在他们家门口用法力创造了一个海,四海的水是移动并填充其中。在《西游记》中,观世音能洗瓶子,恶鬼见海不见屋,以前脏的地方也找不到了,以后不会再来了。本质是“一千零一夜”。在家门口放一盆水,有促进财运的作用,暂时没听说过。一些农村家庭的懒人,经常在家门前放置装满脏水的盆,而且盆往往有好几个。孩子们在里面跌跌撞撞,衣服被弄湿、弄脏,让他们哭泣。 这东西(华沙八卦镜)能做什么,它的主要作用是什么? ——1980年代,有人穿越历史到古周,学八卦,苦思冥想,结合现代玻璃镜子,在深圳发明了华沙八卦镜,并申请了国家专利,是那种玩具你现在在照片中:华沙八卦镜。

它的作用是在文革时期某人发明的玻璃镜子上刻“忠”字。把它挂在家里或门阶上,都能起到让人思考,引起人们疑惑的作用。也就是说,没有什么有用的玩具。 1970 年 10 月 6 日,办公室里最好放什么鱼? ——答案是:办公室里最好放几本识字书。办公室养鱼具有休闲娱乐的特点,与办公室风格的特点格格不入。龟鳖应该放在汕头霍明家的什么地方——答案是:龟鳖放在什么地方与汕头霍明无关。一方面,以60亿人口计算,山上火灾造成的死亡人数为2亿。这2亿人各有千秋,不会是同一个模式。饲养陆龟的缸、盆应放置在安全、稳定、不妨碍手、脚、活动正常、易于管理、便于观察的位置。缸、盆养龟的目的,无非就是趣味培养和性格培养。金明女和蛇水明虎的卧室应该挂什么画? ——答案是:挂你欣赏和喜爱的画。只有当你欣赏和爱你时,你才能感受到它。如果你的心不对,你就视而不见,你就有了风水。浓郁的红花有风水作用吗? ​​​-答案是:富贵红花只是一个名字,风水效果取决于主人的心灵是否开悟。风水问题,葫芦和天官的祝福可以解决梁压门,而解决梁压门的葫芦不需要打开,那么解决疾病的葫芦应该打开吗? ——答案是:葫芦,或者说是天官赐福,归根结底是人为的或非人造的,在这个世界上,其性质无异于千物。它们都是人造或非人造物品。

它的作用是让人欣赏和观赏,其效果完全取决于当事人的心态,没有其他神通。驱邪化煞,完全是一种虚幻的心境和美好的愿望。也就是说,葫芦和天官的祝福是玩具和人造艺术品,具有放松和调节心理因素的作用。我让八卦独角兽把阳台放在了挡住锐角的地方。你想关注吉日吉时吗? ——答案是:城市高空坠物时有发生,造成重大损失的新闻报道多。把八卦独角兽放在阳台上并不重要。日期和时间并不重要。安全第一。八卦独角兽的作用与本文中的各个项目类似。心理满足、心理欣赏、自我安慰是主要的,其余的作用无非是心理想象,让梦想成真。根据风水,鹿头应该挂在哪个墙上?可以居中吗? ——答案是:如果是活体动物的鹿头尸体,必须经过特殊处理后才能留在家中。所谓风水邪。如果不是真正的动物鹿头,那只是一般的艺术雕塑,可以根据个人爱好和志向放在合适的位置。这个姿势无非是一个稳定、安全、易于观察的姿势,不妨碍手脚,不妨碍正常活动。 有人知道风水吗?办公室养鱼的风水有什么禁忌吗? - 办公室养鱼,主题不明确。根据《易经》“大道至简”的原则,小学语文课“老猫钓小猫”的推理很有启发性。

一进门就可以看到酒柜上的鲜花和财神爷? ——答案是:财神爷欢迎你,富贵自然。家里可以养两个鱼缸吗?三鱼养一红龙,一金龙三鱼养一龙行吗?风水说什么? ——答案是:欣赏、热爱、不怕麻烦、不碍手脚、不妨碍正常活动、安放稳定、鱼缸的安全措施有保障,不会有风水问题在十个鱼缸里。七星桃花可以挂在卧室吗?卧室里可以带孩子吗? ——答案是:七星桃花切,也就是一般的工艺玩具和装饰品。不要以为有什么超自然的力量。在儿童房里,主要是要安静,最好挂些有创意、有灵感、有修养的东西。挂七星桃花切,有什么意义,值得深思。兔子在风水中扮演什么角色? ——答案是:观赏和鉴赏,类似于字画、摆件、盆景效果。太湖石放在风水里? ——答案是:太湖石,中国四大名石之一。摆放位置还是因人而异,看个人喜好和内心取向。好石、好位、好人,人、石、位三者自然统一,可以自然自成。办公室里放灵芝盆景对风水有好处吗? ——答案是:有“千年灵芝,万年琥珀”之说,野生灵芝,生长时间越长,药用价值越高,价格也越高。灵芝,大自然的真正瑰宝,放置在办公室,使风水繁荣。诗雅不必大,花香不美。屋顶上的龙可以为风水移动吗? ——答案是:屋顶上的龙肯定能动,但不能不动。

房子一定要修,屋顶上的龙动不了,房子怎么修!不管它是什么形态的龙,不管它放在什么地方,只要它不是活的动物玳瑁家居风水摆放,它都只不过是一种装饰物,它的性质与其他装饰物没有什么区别。 . 1979年火羊的命,床头放个铜葫芦合适吗? ——答案是:放置一个铜葫芦与年龄无关,与火羊的命运无关。原因非常简单。同年出生的人命运千差万别,不能一概而论。真心喜爱欣赏铜葫芦,床头可以放,只要挂稳,安全一定要保证,不会妨碍手脚,也不会妨碍正常活动。功能和含义与本文中列出的其他项目类似,不再赘述。家里摆佛坛,风水放在哪个地方最好? - 朝东,朝南,干净的地方就够了。杭州凤起路生命年的风水吉祥物是真的吗? ——答案是:风水吉祥物是真的吗?如果你的心是真实的,那就是真实的;如果你的心是虚假的,它就会是虚假的。如果有人要送一个玳瑁标本,或者是用三叶虫雕刻而成的卷心菜,哪个更好,放在家里有什么禁忌? - 答案是:一切都好。目前都是珍贵海洋动物的剩饭剩菜,选择完全由个人爱好决定,两者任选其一即可。八卦图在客厅的天花板上安装风水可以吗? ——从宗教信仰的角度来看,完全是个人自由,个人自愿,他人无权干涉,无权评判。从风水的角度来看,只能算是心理上的调整和欣赏,具有自我安慰和自我暗示的作用。

从道德的角度来看,八卦是中国最古老的历史文化现象。经得起人际关系的考验,具有强烈的生命力象征意义。住宅风格。石头、水和6块铜板是什么? - 答案是:自我欣赏、自恋、爱和欣赏的集合。否则什么都不是!家中树形玉假山的风水——答案是:树形玉,天地皆美,亿万年前大自然的馈赠,具有永恒、欣赏之意、爱情和风水。一个办公室同时放几双貔貅合适吗? - 答案是:只要不妨碍手脚,不干扰正常活动,即可。请问,模具梁下要放什么大象? - 答案是:你欣赏和喜爱的大象。只有欣赏和爱,才能拼接出心灵的火花,说不定会产生风水的效果。马道成铜铃,一串五个小铃,是风水仪吗? ——答案是:像图中那个铃铛,在我看来有以下五种用途和作用。 一、有用来养马和养牛的铃铛,系在马和牛的脖子上。铃铛可以做铃铛,方便野外寻马、寻牛。 二、有一些形状相似但更精致的小铃铛。有铜、银和金。它是用来驱邪的。我见过不少孩子穿这样的东西。 三、道教和魔法师也有类似的铃铛,用来驱邪、猎鬼。 四、作为文湾古董,出现在文湾古玩市场。 五、有仿风铃,用于风水化解五王。

作为一种风水仪,其功能与本文举例的内容类似。风水可以在客厅前放盆栽吗? ——答案是:可以放置,前提是不干扰行人的正常活动,不妨碍手脚。不碍事就是盆景,碍事就是锅灾。电梯门的门上挂个轻八卦镜可以解决吗? ——答案是:挂灯八卦镜与其他风水饰品、手工艺品类似,具有同样的风水成就效果。哪些植物最适合你的星座来增加你的财富? ——答案是:心爱的物种可能会繁荣,但不是每个人都能有效。 "Intentionally planting flowers will not bloom, inadvertently planting willows and willows to make shade." Liu Neng is shady, some people don't like it, and it's meaningless. Will placing a treadmill next to a fortune tree affect feng shui? ——The answer is: If you care about the fortune tree, you will never put a treadmill next to it. Even if you obviously don’t care about the fortune tree, will the fortune tree still care about the owner’s feelings and thoughts? People care about trees, trees care about people, and people and trees influence each other. What should I do if the unconsecrated feng shui ornament Yulong is broken? - The answer is: glue, repair, discard, rebuy. What feng shui ornaments go well with the imitation rattan sofa? ——The answer is: with the feng shui that you admire, love, and like. "The heart is not right, turn a blind eye". Only with appreciation, love and liking can there be emotional sparks and feng shui effects. Does the theft of the land public affect Fengshui and wealth? ——The answer is: buy another statue of the god of the land, and after the finishing touches, chasing the image, etc., it will have the effect of the god of the land. With the development of modern carving technology, a skilled carver can carve several statues of the gods and gods in one hour, and the image and demeanor are better than the ancient statues of gods and Buddhas.

Assuming that the original land public has real deified effect, others cannot steal it. It does not have the effect of deification, and it is stolen by others, just to carry out a new round of deification, so that it has a real idol. Can a water bamboo be placed between the bathroom and the door? - The answer is: it is convenient, not in the way, and it can be placed. If it is inconvenient or in the way, don't put it. The role of iron plow wooden door in Feng Shui? ——The answer is: iron plow wood or steel plow wood is all wood, and the properties of wood will not change. The role of Feng Shui depends on love, appreciation and feelings. It has the same meaning as the central theme of the items in this article. Is it okay to hang the imitation copper Wuqian Emperor on the door to the door? ——The answer is: good, beloved, like, appreciate can hang. What is the function of Feng Shui Wheel? ——The answer is: Fengshui wheel is similar to fish tank, lying cow and other Fengshui objects. Fengshui has the same meaning and meaning. What does the stone mill say about Feng Shui? ——The answer is: 1、Compared to modern people, stone mills are important monuments, a ladder for the progress of human civilization, accompanying human beings, serving human beings for thousands of years, and having historical relic value. 2、 According to folklore, people who have done a lot of evil things in the Yang World will be punished by the King of Hell when they arrive in the underworld. Therefore, some people set it to grind at home, with the meaning of warning and driving away evil spirits. Living in the east house, which is transparent from north to south, in the north of the living room, the flowing water produces wealth, Xu Yue, can the welcome pine be hung on the west wall? ——The answer is: hanging paintings should be examined with an artistic eye. A satisfactory and good painting can be hung in the most suitable position of the house, which will make the whole house more spiritual. Flowing water produces wealth, and it is called welcoming pine. No matter where it is hung on the east, south, west or north walls, it can best reflect the spirit of the house.

I want to put a fish tank in my living room, where would it be more prosperous? ——The answer is: beautiful, good-looking, appreciative, loved, one’s heart follows people’s wishes, dreams come true, and they will surely be prosperous. It is best to place it in a place that is stable, safe, not in the way of hands and feet, and does not interfere with normal activities. The placement is unstable, unsafe, gets in the way, interferes with normal activities, and resembles a stumbling block. What are the feng shui matters that should be paid attention to when placing stone carving dragons? ——The answer is: the placement of the stone carving dragon, the feng shui should pay attention to: the placement is stable and safe, not obstructing the hands and feet, not hindering the normal activities, easy to manage and watch. Are Yueyang Tower and Yellow Crane Tower the Fengshui Towers at that time? ——The answer is: If you can become a famous building in the world, it will last for thousands of years. It was a famous feng shui building at that time. The builder must have conducted a detailed review and research from the perspective of popularity, geomantic and feng shui, which has the meaning of enhancing the local feng shui effect. The feng shui ornaments at home were accidentally given away, what should I do? ——The answer is: what is sent away is just an item, what cannot be sent away is the human heart. Appreciate, love, buy another one. As soon as the machine rings, there are thousands of items, most of which are ornaments. The ornaments plus the word Feng Shui are Feng Shui ornaments, and they are sold anyway. What does it mean to put the coffin on the head of the bed? ——The answer is: coffin wood, that is, ordinary wood, has a new humanistic meaning because it may have been used to make coffins or prepared to be used to make coffins. Coffin wood is still the nature of wood, and wood cannot be qualitatively changed because it is a coffin. The difference is that the humanistic meaning is different. The wood that has buried the dead is called ghost wood because of the corpse water and corpse infiltration, and it is not called coffin wood. The two are different in nature.

The coffin wood is placed at the head of the bed, and the psychological effect and feng shui effect are similar to other items. The door of the high-rise community faces west, how should the God of Wealth be placed? ——The answer is: 1、The statue of the God of Wealth is also one of the thousands of objects in the world, and it is the deified object among the thousands of objects. Why deify? For those who are unrestrained and fearless, only deification can make them reverent and cherished! 2、How to place it depends on the house, so that it is easy to worship, stable, safe and quiet, not obstructing normal activities, and not obstructing hands and feet. Reasonable placement. Will lobster shells be placed at home for decoration, will it hinder Feng Shui? ——The reply is: Pay attention to technical treatment and disinfection. The remnants of animals and plants may become the carrier of other insects, bacteria and viruses. As long as the lobster shell does not become a source of growth and transmission of bacteria and viruses, the lobster shell and other ornaments have the same feng shui effect. Question: The lion guards the gate and the tiger sits in the middle hall. ——Answer: Lions, elephants, wolves, tigers and leopards are in power, and there will never be peace at home. I was born on August 14, 1985. Can the fish tank be placed in front of the gate? ——The answer is: 1、The placement of the fish tank has nothing to do with the year, month and day of birth. It is considered to be related to the year, month and day of birth, but it is the same as "Journey to the West", "Fengshen Bang", and "The Arabian Nights" . 2、Positioning is best to choose a place and location that is safe, stable, does not interfere with normal activities, and does not obstruct hands or feet. Housewarming, what paintings should I hang in the living room at home, and what are the feng shui paintings for prosperous wealth and prosperity? ——The answer is: hang your favorite paintings and enjoy your favorite flowers. The content of this article may be the answer to the question. If you have a consonance, you must have an understanding of the feng shui of wearing snake-shaped jewelry? ——The answer is: snake-shaped ornaments, arts and crafts ornaments, and the meaning of all arts and crafts are equivalent.

As a feng shui product, it also has the same meaning as other handicrafts. What jewelry to wear depends on each person's preferences. Feng Shui only identifies a person's mentality through jewelry, and peeks into a person's life interest from the mentality. Does the orientation of the branches of the welcoming pine have any effect on feng shui? ——The answer is: The direction of the branches of the welcoming pine has an impact on Feng Shui, and it has no effect. Affects people's delicate minds. No influence, it is a lack of understanding of the spiritual core of the welcoming pine painting. Feng Shui, which one is better to put a lion or an elephant at the gate of the factory? ——The answer is: According to the Book of Changes: "The Great Way is Simple", it is better to put nothing, that is, to save the economy and reduce the trouble! The interpretation of the Book of Changes tells people that everything in the world is multifaceted, beneficial must be harmful, and interests must coexist. Whether the lion is good or not, it is mighty and majestic, and it is solemn and majestic. But the lion will also open its mouth with blood, and it will devour everything. Elephants are healthy, delicate and strong, animals dare not approach, stay in front of the factory, evil spirits dare not enter, but elephants can also go crazy, once the elephant is crazy, there is no solution! New occupier, how to do feng shui worship in the office? - It is best not to engage in those meaningless activities. Worshiping the Holy is nothing more than trying to use the power of the Holy to bind all parties involved, but those who worship the Holy have a common feature that they place their hopes on accidents, resulting in a lack of self-confidence. The success of a partnership depends on the efforts and confidence of the parties, and has little to do with sacredness.
